Monday, December 8, 2014

Cartography College animated GIF

The Electoral College was created for two main reasons. The first reason was to have a buffer between population and the selection of the President. The second part to why it was created was to have a structure in the government that would give extra power to the smaller states. With this the founding fathers believed these two reasons would have good compromises between the states and would help avoid manipulation. The Electoral College is fair because it gives smaller states the same credibility and recognition with their votes compared to larger states who are viewed at more because of their popularity and size. One example could be during President Obama’s re-election, the electoral college gave the smaller states more recognition and a reason for him to visit them for presidential campaign visits.

The movie “Head of State” starring Chris Rock as Washington D.C. Councilman Mays Gilliam, a good guy with a real bad streak of luck. Throughout the movie satire is used to express the trivial nature of political parties.The National Party asks him to run for president  against vice-president Brian Lewis unexpectedly. Mays turns the race around by asking real serious questions and addressing problems that no other candidate will. Chris Rock's sense of humor is hilarious and is like no other. He doesn't let anything go, he makes fun of the Politicians, African-Americans, and Caucasians. Not only is he outspoken but he brings others to attention by constantly saying, “Let me hear ya say that ain't right.” Mays is a telling everyone exactly what they want to hear. With his satirical actions and debates, Mays Gilliam is elected President; winning his votes through his humor, exaggerations, and political addressings.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

impatient animated GIF

In the movie Lincoln,I witnessed the 16th President of the United States attempting to pass the 13th Amendment;which was one that would abolish slavery.There were many difficulties involved with the proposal and ratification of the 13th Amendment.Many of difficulties had to due with racism and resistance from the cabinet.In the 1860's many believed that blacks shouldn't vote,own property,rank high in military,hold office,take jobs,and take part in interracial marriage.Lincoln was not always completely ethical,he was corrupt.Offered jobs for votes,as well as lame duck politicians were given jobs. Lincoln twisted the truth in order to achieve his goal of getting the 13th Amendment passed.Without changing the Constitution,the Emancipation Proclamation could be rescinded.It wasn't that Lincoln loved the blacks so that he pass this Amendment .He said, "I'll get use to them" meaning that he would soon be able to tolerate them just like others should to. Lincoln believe the 13th Amendment was so important because it was a means to the end of the Civil War. . .

America Rising PAC animated GIF  

If I was eighteen years old and registered to vote,which I will be on June seventh.So approximately 212 days,but who's counting.My vote for the governor would be Charlie Baker not Martha Coakley. I would vote for Charlie Baker because I value his intake on the issues that are going on.Such as K-12 education,higher education,sick time,welfare reform,and climate change.Baker focuses more on secondary education which is more important than early childhood education.Children barely know what is going in school at such a young age.That is why I feel as if focusing on secondary education is more beneficial due children starting to grasp information and get a better understanding of it.I also I agree with his idea of changing to three years for bachelor's degree.If its reducing the cost of college by 25% then hey why not!The only thing I do not agree with Baker on is how only business with 50+ workers are eligible for paid sick time.Also I don't understand what he is referring to by one hour for every 40 hours worked.Raising the age for work exemption from 60 to 66 years old is a great idea.People need to work in order to survive,things aren't free in the world we live in today.Baker and Coakley both share the same want to reduce greenhouse gases by 25% before 2020.Baker feels that,"Humans are responsible for carbon emissions that affect the environment." I completely agree with him its true we certainly are responsible.
Overall,good luck Charlie Baker!You would have my vote if only I was eighteen.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Jay Z is referring to the 4th Amendment which is known as,"Arrests and searches privacy based on probable cause." Meaning that If Beyonce favorites another guys tweet again he will search her IPhone due to the curiosity he is experiencing.Sorry Queen B!

 Kim Kardashian and Ray J are both following the 5th Amendment,which is also known as,"The right to remain silent." Kim and Ray J don't want Kanye West to find out because he will most likely be very upset about it and write a song about it. For example,“Eat breakfast at Gucci,” Kanye raps. “My girl a superstar all from a home movie.”