Net neutrality is the principle that Internet service providers should enable access to all content and applications regardless of the source, and without favoring or blocking particular products or websites.In other words It preserves our right to communicate freely online. Internet that enables and protects free speech. It means that Internet service providers should provide us with open networks. Services should not block or discriminate against any applications or content for those networks.FCC states “The Internet is too important to allow broadband providers to make the rules.” In other words, the Government will tell you what you need and how you will get it.More Government control is not a good thing no matter what the short term gain is. The consumer would lose if corporations could decide for us what we could and could not access on the internet. Net Neutrality protects the consumer. People do not need corporations deciding what I can read or hear about. They already do that with mainstream news publications and television broadcasts. The internet should remain what it was to begin with: a place for the fair exchange of ideas and information, unburdened by corporate censorship. Net Neutrality is crucial for small business owners and entrepreneurs, who rely on the open Internet to launch their businesses, create a market, advertise their products and services, and distribute products to customers. We need the Internet to discover job growth, competition and innovation.Net Neutrality lowers the barriers of for entrepreneurs, start-up and small businesses by ensuring to reach new customers and showcase their goods, applications and services.